The typical forum poster wants to be able to use the same boot on Whitney in summer and Everest in winter...or pretty close comparison anyway.
Hood, Rainier, Aconcagua and Denali are all lumped into one,all inclusive group.
Climbing has always been an elitiest and expensive sport.
19,000' on Aconcagua is not the same for coldas 19,000' on Denali given the same season.
Big difference in that last 3000' from the top of Hood to the top of Rainier. The gear for a typical Rainier climb is simply just not good enough for an Aconcagua trip. People need to recognise the facts.
You can pay now or eventually pay later once your luck runs out.
These are the toes of a friend after24hrs out climbing in late Nov. @ 7000' in the Cascades.
There is no climbingboot made that costs anywhere nearthe bill here in money andtime off.
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